1.I've always been interested in fractured, demented, asymmetrical, incongruous textures, and indeed what I call “dysprosody” – the prosody of distressed sounds.
7.So practicing your own pronunciation, practicing reductions yourself, learning prosody – which is intonation, rhythm, stress, all of that, the melody of the language, how we reduce words.
8.If you enjoyed this video, then I have a series of additional videos about prosody, intonation, listening, fast speech, and more that I think you are going to love.
9.In fact, in my program - New Sound, I have an entire module about the voice, and a few modules about prosody, which is all intonation, rhythm, and stress.
10.Orthography, etymology, syntax, and prosody, biography, astronomy, geography, and general cosmography, the sciences of compound proportion, algebra, land-surveying and levelling, vocal music, and drawing from models, were all at the ends of his ten chilled fingers.