7.And if you plan properly, you'll know that you only need, say, 350g of shin of beef and six rashers of bacon, not whatever weight is pre-packed in the supermarket chiller.
8.So, while a rasher of bacon may become an illicit luxury only available in a fancy restaurant, crunchy nut cricket flakes could mean starting the day with a bowl of creepy crawlies from your garden biosphere.
9." You girls do as you please, " Rast said, " but if Thorne sends me against Lady Piggy, I'm going to slice me off a rasher of bacon. " He laughed in Jon's face and left them there.
10.They found Dolorous Edd frying a rasher of bacon and boiling a dozen eggs in a kettle over the Old Bear's cookfire. Mormont sat in his wood-and-leather camp chair. " I had begun to fear for you. Did you meet with trouble" ?