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NPR音讯 2019年6月合集

1.So losing an American life seems to be a redline for him, and it hasn't been crossed.


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双语版 TED-Ed 演讲精选

2.Meanwhile, city planners often identified redlined neighborhoods as inexpensive areas for industrial development.


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Vox 观点

3.Many redlined areas lack access to green space and have far fewer trees.


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经济学 Culture

4.The book popularised the term " redlining" .


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5.Do you live in an area affected by redlining?

- 你住在受线影响的地吗?机翻

双语版 TED-Ed 演讲精选

6.So, the massive freeway projects of the mid-20th century disproportionately cut through redlined neighborhoods, accompanied by heavy industry and pollution.


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社会学 Crash Course

7.And the neighborhoods that got redlined were the ones where minorities, particularly Black families, lived.


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8.And while redlining was made illegal in the 60s, its effects are still being felt.

虽然 redlining 在 60 年代被定为非法,但其影响仍在。机翻

TED演讲(音频版) 2022年8月合集

9.Now decades ago, policies such as redlining denied home loans to people of color into certain communities.


「TED演讲(音频版) 2022年8月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
双语版 TED-Ed 演讲精选

10.Therefore, banks usually wouldn't lend money to people purchasing property in neighborhoods of color — a practice that became known as redlining.


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BBC 听力 2015年7月合集

11.But a senior Iranian official complained that other countries were changing their positions at this late stage, and that each of them had different redlines.


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Vox 观点

12.And it's part of the reason why, as one study showed, temperatures in redlined areas are approximately 2.6 degrees Celsius warmer than in non-redlined areas.


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13.This new entity also made it easier for white US citizens to get loans, while “redlining” communities of color and black communities, which strongly enforced segregation.



14.Starting around then, real estate developers used decades of redlining to force generations of Black and brown communities to live in the toxic backyard of the fossil-fuel industry.


社会学 Crash Course

15.Redlining was outlawed in 1968, but because homeownership is the major source of wealth for most Americans, neighborhood segregation and racial wealth inequalities are the legacies of policies like redlining.

Redlining 在 1968 年被取缔,但由于房屋所有权是大多数美国的主要财富源,邻里隔离和种族财富不平等是 redlining 等政策的遗留问题。机翻

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社会学 Crash Course

16.Let’s go to the Thought Bubble to talk about redlining, a practice from the not-so-distant past that has made it harder for African-American families to accumulate and pass on wealth.

让我们去 Thought Bubble 谈谈 redlining,这是一种在不久以前的做法, 它使非裔美国家庭更难积累和传承财富。机翻

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17.Despite technically having been a free state, California is the first state in the U.S. to consider compensating eligible Black residents for historical harms ranging from slavery to Jim Crow laws to redlining.


Vox 观点

18.But Bed-Stuy was one of the city's most heavily redlined neighborhoods — a racially discriminatory practice where mortgage lenders and insurance companies denied services to people in certain neighborhoods, which pushed Black people into specific areas.


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19.In other neighborhoods that have been redlined, that were designed as sort of worker housing, that were meant to sort of jam people in together, you don't have these kinds of wide residential sidewalks.


TED演讲(视频版) 2022年10月合集

20.I learned more about the racist policies mandated by federal and local governments like redlining and urban renewal that gutted once thriving Black communities across the country and prevented Black citizens from building wealth through homeownership.


「TED演讲(视频版) 2022年10月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正


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