| 划词

1.The research progress in the mimicking of carbonic an hydrase,hydrolase and redox enzyme is reviewed.



2.Several passive biosorption mechanisms of uranium such as complexation,redox,microprecipitation and ion exchange are discussed,and the trend of development is forecasted.



3.This paper intends to report three experimentally simple preparations of naphthoquinone, hydroquinone and the corresponding mixed quinhydrone,all redox chemistry being carried out in the solid state.




fissiochemistry, fissiography, fission, fission bomb, fissionability, fissionable, fissional, fissioner, fissiparism, fissiparity,


3G, 401(K), a,



1.And that's all because of a process known as redox chemistry.


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2.Each cable connects two separate halves of a redox reaction.


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3.So, in this case, the hydrogen sulfide could have lost electrons in a redox reaction.


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4.And like carbon fixation it's also a redox reaction.

像碳固定样, 它也是还原反应。机翻

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5.In our case, there's another type of reaction necessary called a redox reaction.

们的例子中, 还有另要的反应, 称为还原反应。机翻

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6.Either way you might have noticed something important: this is a redox reaction!

无论哪方式, 您可能已经注意到些重要的事情:这是还原反应!机翻

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7.Like in this case, the culprit could have been a redox reaction, in which electrons get transferred between two or more compounds.


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8.Specifically, they are oxidation or redox reactions, the ones where electrons are exchanged.

具体来说,它们是还原反应, 即交换电子的反应。机翻

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9.If you were listening, you learned that electrochemical reactions are redox reactions that we describe in terms of half reactions.


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10.Part of what makes redox reactions so powerful, and powerfully excellent, is that they are complicated.

还原反应之所以如此强大、如此出色, 部分原因在于它们很复杂。机翻

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11.Which is generally defined as an apparatus that generates electrical energy from a redox reaction.


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12.Let's start with a typical redox reaction that happens in this alkaline battery as an example.


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13.Now I gotta point out here that the electrical potential of a redox reaction is related to its equilibrium constant.

现在要在这里指出, 还原反应的电势与其平衡常数有关。机翻

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14.When an electric current is applied, a redox reaction occurs in the solution and atoms of the coating metal are deposited on the cathode.

当施加电流时, 溶液中会发生还原反应,涂层金属的原子会沉积在阴极上。机翻

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15.I've told you about redox reactions before and if you haven't seen that episode yet, you should probably go watch that before you watch this.

之前已经告诉过你有关还原反应的信息, 如果你还没有看过那集,你应该在看这个之前先看看那个。机翻

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16.But before any redox reaction can be used to text your boyfriend or girlfriend or whatever, we need to know how much voltage it can generate.


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17.When we discussed it as a redox reaction a few weeks ago, we described it as a one way, complete reaction because that's all we needed to understand right then.

几周前,当们将其作为还原反应进行讨论时,们将其描述为单向、完全的反应, 因为这就是们当时需要了解的全部内容。机翻

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