Let us have riddance of these evils.
The preening popinjay has now departed the scene and good riddance, say I.
Well, if that's the type of boy he is, then good riddance.
We could also say " good riddance to bad garbage" .
我们也可以说" good riddance to bad garbage。"
However, " good riddance to bad trash" does not sound right.
然而," good riddance to bad trash" 听起来不太对。
The side mirrors and wind-screen-wipers had long gone, good riddance to them.
Here is another expression that uses the words rather well: " Good riddance to bad rubbish" .
" Good riddance to bad rubbish。"
If that's the type of boy he is, then good riddance.
要是是这种男孩 分了更好。
We say " good riddance" as a way of saying " goodbye" to something bad that will not be missed.
" good riddance" 意思是向那些不会被错事说" 再见" 。
So, " good riddance to bad rubbish" means it is better for everyone that the person or thing is leaving.
所以," good riddance to bad rubbish" 意思是这个人或西离开对每个人都更好。
“I knew he wasn’t cut out for this job. Good riddance, ” says the other.
“我不适合这份工作。太好了,” 另一个说。
Good riddance. That's what I say. Frigging free at last!
谢天谢地 我说 终于自由了!
Oh, yeah? Well, good riddance, ya loony! " Rendezvous with Star Command."
I say good riddance. If you were still dating Sebastian, you'd have to spend Halloween with him.
我觉得这是解脱 如果你还在和交往,就只好和共度万圣节了。
If that's the way she feels about it, she'd better keep right on going and a dam good riddance.
" Good riddance to the newt with wings, " he was whispering slyly to Dogsbreath the Duhbrain, and Dogsbreath snickered.
" 终于摆脱了长着翅膀蝾螈了," 狡猾地对杜布赖恩犬低声说,而狗呼吸则窃笑着。
" The king is gone. Good riddance. Long live the president! My father knows Daoud Khan, did you know that, Amir" ?
" 国王跑掉了,跑得好!总统万岁!我爸爸跟达乌德汗相熟。你认识吗,阿米尔" ?
For a moment it was on Scarlett's hot tongue to cry: " Go and good riddance" ! but the cool hand of caution stopped her.
这时,思嘉很想说:" 滚就滚吧!" 话都说到嘴边停了,冷静一想,还是很慎重。
No, he didn't. He actually left the game. But his teammates didn't seem to care. All they said was … good riddance to bad rubbish!
是,不喜欢。实际上退出了比赛。但队友们似乎并不在意。们只说… … 终于走了!
" No, I have one hundred, " said Bulstrode, feeling the immediate riddance too great a relief to be rejected on the ground of future uncertainties.
“不,我有一百个, ” 布尔斯特罗德说, 觉得眼前解脱让我松了一口气, 不能以未来不确定性为由拒绝。
On the other hand, Poyser, you might let Thurle have the Lower and Upper Ridges, which really, with our wet seasons, would be a good riddance for you.
另一方面,Poyser, 你可以让 Thurle 拥有 Lower 和 Upper Ridges, 在我们雨季, 这对你来说真是一个很好解脱。
" Yes" ! they cried together, and Pessim came close to the sunbonnet and called out to them: " You'll be smashed or drowned, I'm sure you will! But farewell, and good riddance to you" .
“是” !们一起哭了起来, 佩西姆走近遮阳帽, 对们喊:“你们会被砸死或淹死, 我相信你们会!但是再见了, 祝你们早日解脱” 。