3.We repeat a narrative because specific sorts of pain and unfulfillment feel seductively familiar and because we privilege familiarity over happiness.
4.His attitude to state intervention has looked confused ever since his bizarre 2006 lament that chocolate oranges placed seductively at supermarket checkouts fueled obesity.
6.It was seductively high. And Celsius also touted the product as safe. Plus, investing in Celsius came with a whole community of believers. They called themselves Celsians. Their leader was the company founder and CEO, Alex Mashinsky.
这是诱的高。 Celsius 还吹捧该产品是安全的。此外,对 Celsius 的投资伴随着整个信徒社区。他们称自己为塞尔西。他们的领导者是公司创始兼首席执行官 Alex Mashinsky。机翻