| 划词

1." Did they burn the sept at Saltpans" ? asked Hyle Hunt.

" 他们烧了盐场镇的?" 海尔·亨特问。


2." Back the way you come. Left at the sept" .

" 原路返回。在那儿左拐。"


3." Lord Lancel has been sleeping in the sept" .

" 蓝赛尔大人一向在里面睡。"

权力的游戏 第6季

4.They attacked a nearby sept and murdered the villagers.

他们袭击了附近的一座 杀了村民。

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权力的游戏 第6季

5.But if you kill the High Sparrow, you won't leave the sept alive.

可如果杀了大麻雀 你没法活着走出

「权力的游戏 第6季」评价该例句:好评差评指正

6." Nine hundred thousand six hundred and seventy-four dragons. Gold that could feed the hungry and rebuild a thousand septs" .

" 九十万零六百七十四枚金龙。这批金子足以养活饥民,并重建一千座圣。"

权力的游戏 第6季

7.They told me she wouldn't be allowed in the sept.

他们说 她不能进大

「权力的游戏 第6季」评价该例句:好评差评指正

8.He glanced back without slowing. The gold cloaks is carryin' him to the sept.

他回头看了一眼,脚步却没慢下。" 金袍子要把他带去大。"


9." Cousin, " said Jaime when they were alone within the sept, " have you lost your bloody wits" ?

" 表弟," 房门关闭后,詹姆说," 妈的,你失去理智了吗?"


10." Into the sept" . Jaime lifted his stump to point. " That one right there. I mean to see the queen" .

" 进圣," 詹姆抬起断肢朝大门一指," 就在你后面。我要见太后。"


11." She has, my lord, but King Joffrey sent for me to see him off. I mean to visit the sept as well, to pray" .

" 是的,大人,但乔佛里国王召我来替他送行。后我还想去祈祷。"


12." As you will. Ser Robar, give Lady Stark safe escort to this sept … but see that she returns to us by dawn" .

" 如您所愿。罗拔爵士,请把史塔克夫人平安地护送到那间… … 并在黎明前将她带回来。"


13." Ah, of course. That brothel where we met, did you take it for a sept? Was that your virgin sister squirming in your lap" ?

" 噢,这是当然啦。还记得你我相遇的妓院吗,你该不会把那里当了吧?那个在你大腿上扭来扭去的小女生,你是不是把她当成自己没被开苞的老妹啊?"


14.Through the quiet, the singing pulled at her. Sansa turned toward the sept. Two stableboys followed, and one of the guards whose watch was ended. Others fell in behind them.



15.Others had begun to stream out onto the plaza, fleeing the noxious odors in the sept. " Cersei, keep your voice down, " Jaime warned. " Lord Tyrell is approaching" .

这时,贵族们也纷纷涌到广场上,逃离恶臭的圣。" 瑟曦,小声些," 詹姆警告," 提利尔大人过来了。"


16.No, Maester Aemon said, from the back of the sept. Clydas helped him stand. We took you for a man of the Night's Watch... but perhaps we were wrong in that.

" 不," 后方的伊蒙学士说。克莱达斯扶他站起来。" 我们当你是守夜人的汉子… … 不过或许我们错看了你。"


17." The sept is home to the new gods. The old gods live in the wood, and those who honor them say their words amongst the weirwoods. You know that as well as I."

" 是新神的家,而旧神居住在森林里。尊崇旧神的人得在鱼梁木下发誓。你跟我一样清楚。"


18." My lord, " Catelyn said, " there was a small sept in the last village we passed. If you will not permit me to depart for Riverrun, grant me leave to go there and pray" .

" 大人," 凯特琳道," 我们来时经过的最后一个村庄有间小小的。如果您不准我返回奔流城,就请您准许我到那里去祷告吧。"


19." uncle" ? Tyrion Lannister stepped through the doors of the sept. " Your Grace, " he said to Joffrey. " Grant me a moment alone with Lady Sansa, if you would be so kind" ?

" ——舅舅?" 提利昂·兰尼斯特穿过大门走出来。" 陛下," 他乔佛里说," 可否给我一点时间,让我和珊莎小姐单独谈谈?"


20." Septon Raynard and Septon Torbert are of the Most Devout, " Cersei said, " and will be furious to learn that you obstructed me. Do you mean to deny me entrance to Baelor's holy sept" ?

" 雷那德修士和托伯特修士都是大主教," 瑟曦难以置信地说," 你们竟敢阻挡我,待会有得瞧了。怎么,你们真打算禁止我进入贝勒大圣吗?"



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