14.Through the quiet, the singing pulled at her. Sansa turned toward the sept. Two stableboys followed, and one of the guards whose watch was ended. Others fell in behind them.
15.Others had begun to stream out onto the plaza, fleeing the noxious odors in the sept. " Cersei, keep your voice down, " Jaime warned. " Lord Tyrell is approaching" .
16.No, Maester Aemon said, from the back of the sept. Clydas helped him stand. We took you for a man of the Night's Watch... but perhaps we were wrong in that.
17." The sept is home to the new gods. The old gods live in the wood, and those who honor them say their words amongst the weirwoods. You know that as well as I."
18." My lord, " Catelyn said, " there was a small sept in the last village we passed. If you will not permit me to depart for Riverrun, grant me leave to go there and pray" .
19." uncle" ? Tyrion Lannister stepped through the doors of the sept. " Your Grace, " he said to Joffrey. " Grant me a moment alone with Lady Sansa, if you would be so kind" ?
20." Septon Raynard and Septon Torbert are of the Most Devout, " Cersei said, " and will be furious to learn that you obstructed me. Do you mean to deny me entrance to Baelor's holy sept" ?