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1.As we process everything sequentially, the execution time of the algorithm scales linearly with the number of pixels we can generate.


TED演讲(音频版) 2022年11月合集

2.But also because we can parallelize work and not just work sequentially.


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3.A used car salesman with $290 million in sequentially numbered traveler's checks.

一位二手车推销员,手上有价值 2.9 亿美元的顺序编号的旅行支票。机翻


4.Children are capable of learning more than one language, whether simultaneously or sequentially.



5.A single point was dragged sequentially through all these image points and as it did it scattered light.


科技 Crash Course

6.Hundreds of commands could be packed together, sequentially, in the screen buffer, and used to build up complex graphics.


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科技 Crash Course

7.This tends to be really useful because computer data is often arranged and processed sequentially.


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8.They're formed when a protein called Amyloid Precursor Protein, is sequentially cleaved by two enzymes: beta and gamma secretase.

它们是在一种叫做淀粉样蛋白前体蛋白的蛋白质被两种酶依次切割时形成的:β 和γ 分泌酶。机翻

科技 Crash Course

9.If you loaded in a stack of punch cards, the reader would load them all into memory sequentially, as a big block.


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科技 Crash Course

10.In episode 7, our example processor performed the fetch-decode-execute cycle sequentially and in a continuous loop: Fetch-decode-execute, fetch-decode-execute, fetch-decode-execute, and so on.

在第 7 集中,我们的示例处理器在连续循环中顺序执行提取-解码-执行循环:提取-解码-执行、提取-解码-执行、提取-解码-执行等。机翻

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11.I told him that I was interested, first of all, in his childhood, but that I hoped that we could go through his life more or less sequentially.


TED演讲(音频版) 2019年5月合集

12.In this video, you can see the different patches of tattoos disappearing sequentially as the pigskin we tested them on is heated up.

在此视频中,您可以看到随着我们测试的猪皮被加热, 不同的纹身斑块依次消失。机翻

「TED演讲(音频版) 2019年5月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
科技 Crash Course

13.One option is to do it all sequentially: put a batch of sheets in the washer and wait 30 minutes for it to finish.

一种选择是顺序完成所有操作:将一批床单放入洗衣机,等待 30 分钟完成。机翻

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科技 Crash Course

14.And secondly, we can divide up a 3D scene into many smaller parts, and then render all the pieces in parallel, rather than sequentially.

其次,我们可以将 3D 场景分成许多更小的部分,然后并行渲染所有部分,而不是顺序渲染。机翻

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15.Reporters from anointed publications were ushered in sequentially for their hour with him in his Carlyle Hotel suite, where a Lisa computer was set on a table and surrounded by cut flowers.



16.I think the idea of pursuing goals that are, upon reflection, the ones you fully want to own and then doing things sequentially when needed, to me, that's why achievement and happiness are not necessarily in tension.

我认为追求目标的想法是,经过反思,你完全想要拥有的目标, 然后在需要时顺序做事,对我来说,就是为什么成就和幸福不一定是紧张的。机翻


17.In " Vaxxers" , a book about their work to develop the Oxford-AstraZeneca covid-19 jab, Sarah Gilbert and Catherine Green describe how they did more " at risk" work, doing things in parallel that would usually have been done sequentially.




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