1.Well, another year without a snoopy sno-cone machine.
好吧 今年又没有史努比刨冰。
2." Ask this snoopy guy-if he didn't already spill his guts to you" .
“问问这个史努比家——他还没有向你吐露心声的话” 。机翻
3.I'm gonna buy a snoopy sno-cone machine.
4.Snoopy dreams of himself as a pilot searching for the Red Baron, a famous German fighter pilot in World War One.
5.My dad is just like, have you seen Arrested Development where George Michael, like, is hanging his head and the snoopy music Da da da da da da.
我爸爸就像, 你看过《发展受阻》吗? 乔治迈克尔就像垂着头,史努比音乐哒哒哒哒哒。机翻
6.Delete UberEats from your phone, in fact just chuck the entire phone into the blender and toss it with the trash- you know how snoopy suspicious girlfriends can be.
从您的手中删除 UberEats,实际上只需将整个手放入搅拌中, 然后将其与垃圾桶一起扔掉——您知道爱管闲事的多疑女友有多狡猾。机翻