I was soused to the eyeballs.
She beheld the horrible fate that overtook three Papists—two he-babies and a she-baby—who began their career by sousing each other with the Holy Water, and then proceeded to the Machiavelli memorial, dripping but hallowed.
Some ranchers with an instinct for water, like that of the miner for metal, sank wells into the dry sand and were rewarded with gushers that " soused the thirsty desert and turned its good-for-nothing sand into good-for-anything loam."
些对水有本能牧场主, 就像金属矿工对水本能样,在干涸沙地上打井, 并得到井喷作为奖励, 这些井“浸湿了干涸沙漠, 把无是处沙子变成了万能肥土。