5.The lesions can be showed as arteriitis,arteriectasis,aneurysm and arterial stenosis stenosis..Ultrasonic cardiography is the first choice to detect the lesions.
6.Conculsion The level of the abnormal MBF reserve in stenosed coronary artery may be the mainly physiopathologic basis of dipyridamole stress echocardiography in detecting coronary stenosis.
16.X-rays with barium contrast of the upper GI tract can be useful to identify the location of the cancer and complications like ulcers or esophageal stenosis.
17.If it's a simple... if it's a simple thing like what's the differential for aortic stenosis, i. e. injection systolic murmur, there's just four points here.
18.As part of the subsequent healing process pancreatic stellate cells lay down fibrotic tissue which causes narrowing, or stenosis of the ducts, as well as acinar cell atrophy.
19.Aortic stenosis murmur is loudest in the aortic area and the sound radiates to the carotid arteries in the neck following the direction of blood flow.
20.On the other hand when pulmonary stenosis is severe, blood in the right ventricle has to escape through the septal defect during ventricular contraction and a right-to-left shunt results.