| 划词

1.When we had finished our sweetmeats or fruit she would accompany us to the stoep, bidding us thank our mother for her gift and sending quaint, old-fashioned messages to her and the Father. Then she would turn and enter the house, closing the door behind, so that it became once more a place of mystery.




in the disguise of, in the distance, in the distant future, in the end, in the evening, in the event of, in the event that, in the face of, in the final analysis, in the first place,


3G, 401(K), a,



1." All of you" ? Leo shrugged. " Well, Rosey will remain. Perhaps I'll wake our little sweetmeat and make a woman of her" .

" 全都要走?" 里奥耸耸肩," 好吧,至少这里还有萝希。或许我会弄醒我们的小甜心,让她成为女。"


2.Then to while away the time, she took out some chocolate which she began eating with her bread, for she always had her pockets full of sweetmeats.


经济学 Culture

3.That such an indulgent sweetmeat should be most closely associated with a place of profound piety seems both incongruous and yet oddly appropriate for the Islamic Republic.


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4.If he can get back soon enough he goes out again, after a hurried meal, to the sweetmeat seller's, where he assists in beating sugar for wafers.

如果他能尽快回来, 他会在匆匆吃完饭后再次出去, 去卖糖果的地方, 在那里他协助打糖做威化饼。机翻


5." The gold I grant you, " the dwarf said, relieved that he was not about to drown in a gout of half-digested eels and sweetmeats, " but the Rock is mine" .

" 我可以把金子都送你," 侏儒承诺,一边庆幸自己没被淹死在一堆半消化的鳗鱼和糖果中。" 但凯岩城属于我。"


6.So Meg wrestled alone with the refractory sweetmeats all that hot summer day, and at five o'clock sat down in her topsy–turvey kitchen, wrung her bedaubed hands, lifted up her voice and wept.



7.So Meg wrestled alone with the refractory sweetmeats all that hot summer day, and at five o'clock sat down in her topsy-turvey kitchen, wrung her bedaubed hands, lifted up her voice and wept.



8.He began talking of the delight of the children, and of that age when the sudden appearance of the Christmas-tree, decorated with fruit and sweetmeats, and lighted up with wax candles, causes such transports of joy.

他开始谈到孩子们的欢乐,谈到那个突然出现的圣诞树,上面装饰着水果和糖果,点缀着蜡烛, 会引起如此欢乐的时代。机翻



in the least, in the light of, in the long run, in the main, in the mass, in the meantime, in the middle, in the middle of, in the midst of, in the near future,


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