5.Characteristics of plastic deformation of stress minerals in veins, such as subgrain tectonics, deformation, lamellae and deformation bands, can be found.
6.The sequence classification and dynamic analysis of this basin provide an important evidence to the stratigraphic correlation, tectonic analysis and minerogenesis.
7.The styles of the detachment structure are short antiform and synform structure mainly, and dome structure, nappe outlier and nappe tectonic window too.
9.Then use antitone structural analysis method to recognize and reconstruct the primary tectonic structure and sedimentary feature of a basin in certain geological history.
10.By using the approach of morphostructure and tectonic chronology analysis, neotectonic activity evidences and characteristics as well as its ralation to uranium mineralization were researched.
11.Argand's mobilism thought as to the dynamical evolution process of the tectonics in On Major Tectonic Forms of China. Then, he absorbed the quintessence of A.
12.The basin tectonic model: it is intermont basin during late Jurassic to early Cretaceous, developed into faulted-lacustrine basin in Eogene, and evolved into depression in Neogene and Quaternary.