7.They theorised that, in the absence of worms, the inflamed epithelial tissues in normal mice might instead identify the egg-white protein as an intruder.
10.In 1927, Adler theorised that birth order affected personality hugely because parents treated children differently according to whether they were the eldest or the youngest.
11.The researchers theorise that driving people to regularly use a mix of focused attention, co-ordination, auditory-motor skills and memory results in advantageous cognitive changes.
12.This signal, which looked exactly like the sort of thing astronomers had theorised aliens might use to get in touch was spotted in telescope printouts in 1977.
13.He had no patience, secondly, with efforts, particularly in the United States, to illuminate the region from the armchair with mathematical models and theorising (“all this meta-stuff”).
14.Psychologists theorise that the well-documented tendency of humans to categorise almost every piece of information they come across is a survival mechanism that evolved to aid quick decision making.
15.Putting all this together, she theorised that decades of trapping off Norway's coast would have caused the lobsters there to be both meek and slow growing.
16.To theorise about the historical arrangement of the cars, or the situational needs of the driver is a complex and potentially unending use of finite cognitive resources.
17.The underlying technology of neural networks — a method of machine learning based on the way physical brains function — was theorised and even put into practice back in the 1990s.
18.Academics have theorised that the brilliant patterns in Mozart's music could stimulate similar patterns of cortical firing in the brain, which in turn would help with complex tasks, like solving spatial puzzles.
19.Copernicus theorised in 1543 that all of the planets that we knew of revolved not around the Earth, but the Sun, a system that was later upheld by Galileo at his own expense.
20.Older Western philosophers and mainstream language researchers believe this is fact, while EC theorises that the brain and body are working together as an organic supercomputer, processing everything and forming your reactions.