2.Either party may demonstrate its execution or acceptance of this Agreement by facsimile transmitted via telecopier showing the transmitting parties' signature thereon.
6.As the two researchers explained, comparing the under- and over-representations of these sections has deepened understanding of the neurological roles of the genes thereon.
7.Spreading this within the shed, which was entirely open on one side, he placed his mother thereon; then he ran with all his might towards the dwelling of Fairway.
8.They lifted her as carefully as they could, breathlessly carried her to Felix Jethway's tomb, which was only a few steps westward, and laid her thereon.
9.The blood had been brought almost to the surface, but was not quite through, that which had originally appeared thereon having possibly come from the horse.
12.Through Operation Knight's Move the Nazi high command aimed to identify his central command headquarters in the Croatia region and launch a combined land and airborne assault thereon.
13.It had a square mouldering tower, owning neither battlement nor pinnacle, and seemed a monolithic termination, of one substance with the ridge, rather than a structure raised thereon.
14.He thought of the night when he had sat thereon with Elfride as his companion, and well remembered his regret that she had received, even unwillingly, earlier homage than his own.
15.Thomasin came out of the tree, shook from her hair and dress the loose berries which had fallen thereon, and went down the hill with her aunt, each woman bearing half the gathered boughs.
16.The tall girls went out and returned presently, each bearing a tray, with portions of something, I knew not what, arranged thereon, and a pitcher of water and mug in the middle of each tray.
17.Secondly, that the preacher thereon could be seen from all adjacent points as soon as he arrived at his post, the view of him being thus a convenient signal to those stragglers who wished to draw near.
18.After that misadventure she set her wits to work, and was ingenious enough to invent an arrangement of small straps about the saddle, by which a great deal could be safely carried thereon, in a small compass.