| 划词

1.When people should be aware of extinct thylacine, the protection of the park began last a thylacine, it thylacine only 48 days before the final days.




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60秒-美国人 2023年7月合集

1.So in Australia, there were also these thylacines.


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快报-美国人Science Quickly, from SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN

2.In Australia, there were also these thylacines .


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IELTS Reading

3.Despite the common name 'tiger', the thylacine had a shy, nervous temperament.


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IELTS Reading

4.During long-distance chases, thylacines were likely to have relied more on scent than any other sense.


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IELTS Reading

5.The thylacine, like all marsupials, was tiny and hairless when born.


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IELTS Reading

6.The thylacine was not a fast runner and probably caught its prey by exhausting it during a long pursuit.


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60秒-美国人 2023年6月合集

7.In Australia, there were these thylacines. There are these marsupial lions, and I think a big body size would have enabled them to escape predation.


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IELTS Reading

8.The thylacine's average nose to tail length for adult males was 162.6 cm, compared to 153.7 cm for females.

成年雄性袋狼鼻子到尾巴平均长度为 162.6 厘米,而雌性为 153.7 厘米。机翻

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IELTS Reading

9.The thylacine had an extended breeding season from winter to spring, with indications that some breeding took place throughout the year.


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IELTS Reading

10.Dingoes never reached Tasmania, and most scientists see this as the main reason for the thylacine's survival there.


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IELTS Reading

11.The thylacine appeared to occupy most types of terrain except dense rainforest, with open eucalyptus forest thought to be its prime habitat.

除了茂密雨林, 袋狼似乎占据了大多数类型地形,开阔桉树林认为是它主要栖息地。机翻

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IELTS Reading

12.Approximately 4,000 years ago, the thylacine was widespread throughout New Guinea and most of mainland Australia, as well as the island of Tasmania.

大约 4,000 年前, 袋狼广泛分布于新几内亚和澳大利亚大陆大部分地区,以及塔斯马尼亚岛。机翻

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IELTS Reading

13.The last known wild thylacine to be killed was shot by a farmer in the north-east of Tasmania in 1930, leaving just captive specimens.

1930 年,塔斯马尼亚东北部一名农民射杀了最后一只已知杀死野生袋狼,只留下圈养标本。机翻

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14.And while we know thylacines and Thylacoleo both existed, there are other animals in the Arnhem Land pictures that seem to straddle the line between imagination and reality.


IELTS Reading

15.In 1914, he was sufficiently concerned about the scarcity of the thylacine to suggest that some should be captured and placed on a small island.

1914 年,他非常担心袋狼稀缺,建议获一些袋狼并将其放在一个小岛上。机翻

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IELTS Reading

16.The most recent, well-dated occurrence of a thylacine on the mainland is a carbon-dated fossil from Murray Cave in Western Australia, which is around 3,100 years old.

大陆上最近发现袋狼是一个碳年代测定化石, 来自西澳大利亚 Murray Cave,大约有 3,100 年历史。机翻

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17.However, there seems to have been little public pressure to preserve the thylacine, nor was much concern expressed by scientists at the decline of this species in the decades that followed.

然而, 保护袋狼公众压力似乎很小,家们也没有对这一物种在随后几十年中衰落表示太多关注。机翻

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18.These include competition with wild dogs introduced by European settlers, loss of habitat along with the disappearance of prey species, and a distemper-like disease which may also have affected the thylacine.


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19.And this is even more impressive considering that we now also know that it's not really related to any of the predatory Australian marsupials that you might've heard of, like the Tasmanian devil or the now-extinct thylacine.




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