12.Ionesco was influenced by Dada and the Surrealists, and a lot of his work is about a desire to access some other, better, probably unreachable world.
14.Fear of being fined by governments in the West or shamed by its press is keeping merchants at bay. While Ukraine is " unreachable" , Russia is " untouchable" , says Michael Magdovitz of Rabobank.
15.So it's an endoscope that goes through your mouth or nose that's robotically controlled and can snake its way out in a relatively non-invasive way, all the way out to previously unreachable parts of your lung.
16.The creative uses of technology are part of our contemporary science, and we keep chasing ideas that could lead us to explore the unreachable treetops and understand more and more about mantises in the wild.
17.It's an endoscope that goes through your mouth or nose that's robotically controlled and can snake its way out in a relatively non-invasive way, all the way out to previously unreachable parts of your lung.