7.At a Normandy sea-front restaurant, a waitress says they are under-staffed because former colleagues will no longer put up with unsociable evening and weekend work.
11.It's expensive, it makes your hair and clothes stink, and in many places in the world, it's considered unsociable with bans in bars and restaurants meaning you'll need to leave the crowd and head outside for a puff.
12.During his training, Orwell learned Burmese quickly and was apparently able to speak to Burmese priests within a few years, but he remained unsociable and lacked the ability for heavy drinking that the Burmese police force was known for.
13.Where was he to find a second? He did not have a single friend. He had several acquaintances, but they all regularly left him after six weeks of social intercourse. " I am unsociable, " he thought, and " I am now cruelly punished for it" .