3.Variant hemoglobins (see sickle-cell anemia;hemoglobinopathy) can be used to trace past human migrations and to study genetic relationships among populations.
5.It might actually cause harm by skewing the natural immune response away from the virus already in Jeanna's brain and toward variants overrepresented in the vaccine.
6.Methods Suturing of dural laceration with 2-0 or 3-0 woundless silk thread was performed in twenty-two cases of intracranial venous sinus injuries produced by variant causes.
7.Because arc length of trajectory is regarded as the variant in geodesics based method, it possesses the advantages of non-time based trajectory planning at the same time.
8.There are variant DLLs for each of the main areas that may vary between pieces of hardware that share the same ASSP - such as the keyboard and digitiser.