1.It was done under general anaesthsia,the phlebangioma-like venous varices were transfixated by "8"shape after oesophageal and gastric fundic peripheral vein mutilation.
2.Arginine vasopressin(AVP) is a kind of introgenic nine peptide hormone,which was traditional applied in diabetes insipidus and rhexis bleeding caused by acute esophageal varix.
9.GI bleeding secondary to esophageal varices can present with hematemesis or vomiting blood, or melena or hematochezia when there's blood in the stool.
12.So venous blood accumulates downward from the obstruction, causing features like ascites, esophageal varices and bleeding, Caput Medusae, diminished liver function and an enlarged spleen.
13.Labs including full blood count, liver enzymes and serology can be useful to identify the cause and an upper GI Endoscopy can identify esophageal varices in order to treat them appropriately.
14.Prevention of complications can be done with beta-blockers and treatment options include diuretics for ascites, and octreotide, balloon tamponade, sclerotherapy, and a variceal ligation for bleeding esophageal varices.
15.And she brings up this guy's cross-sectional imaging, and we're kind of scrolling through the stomach and stuff like that, and we see that there's kind of no like, gastric varices going on.