1.Mum had blown up at Dad with more than her usual vehemence.
2.She was astonished at his vehemence.
3.The attack increased in vehemence.
4.None the less did the old legitimist parties assail the Revolution of 1830 with all the vehemence which arises from false reasoning.
1.What's the matter? I asked in astonishment at his vehemence.
2.He smiled at my vehemence. Perhaps you are right, Watson, he said.
3.But as I have told you so with such vehemence and frequency already, the phrase has lost all meaning.
但既然我已经无数次愤怒地告诉过你们了 所以现在这句话已经没有意义了。
4.The soft vehemence of this last ejaculation would have been, upon a man's lips, profanity of no uncertain meaning.
真天知道啊!" 这最后一句失声慨叹话颇为激烈,那要由一个男人说出来,显然会带来亵渎意味。
5.Adams was almost shouting, so great was his vehemence.
Adams 几乎在大喊大叫, 他如此之大。机翻
6.Walter cut him off with the utmost vehemence.
7.Mrs. Adams agreed with a vehemence near passion.
8." Fortunately, " remarked the Piedmontese, " Neapolitan vehemence is peculiar to Naples" .
9.She came indignantly, protesting with vehemence.
她愤愤不平地来了, 极力抗议。机翻
10.I would rather you had come and upbraided me with vehemence.
11.But Haddo's vehemence put these incredulous people out of countenance.
可哈多, 让这些不信人都面色失色。机翻
12." 'Why'? 'What for'? " his wife repeated with a greater vehemence.
“‘为什么’? ‘为什么’? ” 他妻子更加激烈地重复了一遍。机翻
13." He has neither cause nor right to be annoyed, " I said with some vehemence.
“他没有理由也没有权利生, ” 我有些激烈地说。机翻
14.He spoke with too much vehemence, and Mrs. Dowling at once saw how to have her way.
15.This vehemence, which Whistler never betrayed in his painting, La Farge seemed to lavish on his glass.
16.I could feel the muscles of the thin arm round my neck swell with the vehemence that possessed her.
17.Oh, do not shake your head as if you were in agreement with me (he cried suddenly with vehemence).
18." Of course she's not! " Jessica found herself surprised at the vehemence in Harah's tone, glanced down at Alia.
19.In glass it was insubordinate; it was renaissance; it asserted his personal force with depth and vehemence of tone never before seen.
在玻璃上它不服从; 这文艺复兴; 它以前所未有深度和激烈语宣示了他个人力量。机翻
20.Her gloomy dignity, the weight of her name, the convincing vehemence of her declaration made the scale of justice hesitate for a moment.
她阴郁尊严, 她名字分量,她声明中令人信服, 让正义天平犹豫了片刻。机翻