1.Upon recovering the stork, von Bothmer found it impaled by a yard long wooden spear.
2.Marianne von Werefkin wears a big blue hat with bright green, orange and pink flowers.
3.Plummer was best known for playing Captain von Trapp in 1965 " The Sound of Music."
4.And von der Leyen is under fire for the EU's slow rollout of vaccines for its 27 member states.
5.However, you're unlikely to find anyone named Vaughn in Russia, because over there, " von" means " stench." That stinks!
6.So von Gierke's disease patients can't fast.
7.See the von Trapp kids? - No.
看到·特拉普家的孩子们没 -没。
8.These would later come to be known as von Neumann machines.
9.Right, let's eat. It all looks edible von guzzlebucket.
开动吧 我饿的连盘子都能吃掉。
10.The scientific community did not take long to scoff at and abandon von Daniken’s theory.
11.Count von Waldemar appeared, looking very white.
von Waldemar伯爵出现了,脸色煞白。机翻
12." All that you took from Louis Lacombe and afterwards sold to Major von Lieben" ?
“你从 Louis Lacombe 那里拿走的所有东西,然后卖给了 von Lieben 少校”?机翻
13.Hopefully, this sounds familiar, because we actually built a von Neumann computer in episode 7.
希望这听起来很熟悉,因为我们实际上在第 7 集中构建了一台·诺依曼计算机。机翻
14.People were… Lord von Chill called me Zell, but I think that was just nerves.
人们… … ·齐尔勋爵叫我泽尔,但我认为这只是紧张。机翻
15.While crossing the park she murmured " Baroness von Xanten" in a pronunciation of her own.
穿过公园时, 她用自己的发喃喃地说着“克桑滕男爵夫人” 。机翻
16.As Dr von Herzen, who does not advocate geoengineering, points out, any such plans would face more than just economic barriers.
17.Tests are indicative of von willebrand's disease, which explains the excessive bleeding after the root canal.
并且测试显示有血管性血友病,那就是为什么 在根管填充手术后止不住血了。
18.In the context of space exploration, von Neumann machines could be built on Earth and launched into space.
19.By 1760 von Haugwitz had established a wide-ranging civil service which employed over 10,000 officials across the empire.
到 1760 年,·豪格维茨已经建立了广泛的文官系统,在帝国各地雇用了 10,000 多名官员。机翻
20.So von Gierke's disease is just one example of a disorder where we know what protein is missing.