16.Anthony thought how moral was this little waif at heart—how completely moral she would still be after the inevitable wave came that would wash her off the sands of respectability.
17." To other eyes, your nose and jaw are broken, " said the waif. " One side of your face is caved in where your cheekbone shattered, and half your teeth are missing" .
18.He felt glad that it would be Marilla and not he who would have to tell this waif of the world that the home she longed for was not to be hers after all.
19.She had been watching the waif's face the whole time she told her story, but the other girl had shown her no signs. " The Many-Faced God took two-thirds of your father's wealth, not all" .
20.The priest studied the coin, though he made no move to touch it. The waif with the big eyes was looking at it too. Finally, the cowled man said, " Tell me your name, child" .