| 划词

1.She hear nothing but the chirps and whirr of insect.




caught up, caught up with, caul, caulbron, cauld, cauldron, caulerpacin, caulescent, caul-fat, cauli-,


3G, 401(K), a,



1.With the right monetary, fiscal and regulatory tools, the growth machine will eventually whirr into life.



2.He thought that he was standing in a long, low attic, amidst the whirr and clatter of many looms.



3.The coin fell over with a light ringing whirr and lay still.

硬币发出轻响的呼呼倒在地上, 一机翻


4.The door of the cockpit slammed and there was the whirr of the self-starter.

驾驶舱的门砰的一关上, 自启器发出呼呼的音。机翻


5.The pendulum of the old-fashioned clock ticked drearily, with a kind of melancholy whirr.

飘落着,又飘着。 老式时钟的钟摆沉闷地滴答作响, 带着一种忧郁的呼呼机翻

TED演讲(音频版) 2022年1月合集

6.(Saw whirrs) But our best invested effort is looking to the future.


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TED演讲(音频版) 2022年1月合集

7.(Applause) (Drill whirrs) When young women walk into Girls Garage, they're acknowledged as capable and whole.

(掌)(旋风)当年轻女性走进 Girls Garage 时,她们被认为是有能力完整的。机翻

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8.In their homes, the distinctive hum, whirr and clunk of a machine in action has taken its place alongside the churn of a dishwasher.



9.Nanon was spinning, and the whirr of her wheel was the only sound heard beneath the gray rafters of that silent hall.


经济学人 Finance and economics

10.DeFi exchanges and lending protocols have continued to whirr even as the enterprises more akin to normal businesses have imploded one by one.

DeFi 交易所借贷协议继续运转,尽管更类似于正常业务的企业一个接一个地崩溃。机翻

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TED演讲(音频版) 2022年1月合集

11.(Drill whirrs) I am determined to help more women enter into and grow in the trades because these are exciting, well-paying and essential jobs.


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12.At the moment when they came in sight of the bright spot of water, he heard a whirr of wings and the ducks shot up into the air.

就在他们看到水光亮的那一刻, 他听到翅膀的呼呼, 鸭子们腾空而起。机翻

TED演讲(音频版) 2022年1月合集

13.(Drill whirrs) So in 2008, I founded a nonprofit to teach design and construction skills to middle and high school students, specifically young women of color.

(Drill whirrs)所以在 2008 年,我成立一个非营利组织,向中学生高中生教授设计施工技能,特别是有色人种的年轻女性。机翻

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TED演讲(音频版) 2022年1月合集

14.(Saw whirrs) And over the past two decades, as I have found and built that community for myself, I've realized that the reasons that I love construction are not unique.

(锯齿)在过去的二十年里,当我为自己找到并建立这个社区时, 我意识到我热爱建筑的原因并不是独一无二的。机翻

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15.I am in Wensleydale, climbing from the rocky river that leaps amid broad pastures up to the rolling moor. Up and up, till my feet brush through heather, and the grouse whirrs away before me.

我在温斯利尔 (Wensleydale),从在宽阔的牧场中跳跃的岩石河流攀登到连绵起伏的沼泽地。越来越高,直到我的脚擦过石南花,松鸡在我面前呼啸而过。机翻

TED演讲(音频版) 2022年1月合集

16.(Saw whirrs) And at the end of that project, I stood back and looked at what we had built -- a town park with a performance stage, paths and public furniture, and I knew that I had something to contribute to the world.

(锯齿)在那个项目结束时,我退后一步, 看着我们建造的东西——一个有表演舞台、小径公共家具的城镇公园, 我知道我可以为世界做出贡献。机翻

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cauliflower-like, cauliform, cauligenous, cauline, caulis, caulk, caulked, caulker, caulking, caulo-,


3G, 401(K), a,
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