2.The practice shows that smelting high grade ferrotitanium with rutile by thermite method is feasible.
3.Electronmicroscopic examination shows that Ti-oxide (rutile or anatase) is replaced by brannerite, indicat-ing the metasomatic origin of brannerite.
4.The mineral assemplege of the deposit is composed of diaspore, kaolin, illite, chlorite, hematite, anatace and rutile with tourmaline, zircon, goyazite in less.
5.Mineral constituents consist mainly of jadeite, aegirine-augite, magnesio-riebeckite, winchite, magnesio-hornblende, actinolite, quartz, albite, rutile and sphene.
6.The ore minerals are mainly anatase, subordinately rutile and ilmenite (±hematite), while the nonmetallic minerals are chiefly quartz with a certain amount of anthophyllite and biotite (±garnet).
7.There is siderite, iron dolomite , calcite, Barite, pyrite, anatase, rutile, piece quartz, the mica ( or hydromica ), diaspore,etc. in the impurity in the mineral .
8.The hydrothermal synthesis method was adopted to prepare the rutile-type nano-sized TiO2 by using low-cost metatitanic acid as the starting reactant and the monacid as the dressing agent.
9.Quartz, zircon, magnetite, gold are major constituents of littoral placers in Shandong province, while shell, ballstone, ilmenite, rutile being secondary.