1.these crystals could be sublimed under a vacuum.
2.The results show that the wax crystals separated from crude oil are orthorhombic crystals whose interplanar spacing is 0.
3.In this thesis, a type of biphenyl rod-like liquid crystals and two types of triphenylene discotic liquid crystals were synthesized.
4.The iron oxides in rock crystals are specularite, hematite and lepidocrocite.
5.In the present review, we describe the asymmetric synthesis via the reactions of chiral crystals of achiral molecules.
6.Two series of tolan-type liquid crystals containing terminal cyano group were synthesized.
7.any igneous rock with crystals embedded in a finer groundmass of minerals.
8.The shape and size distribution of ice crystals in the frozen wet gluten were studied indirectly by microscopy and mercury porosimeter.
9.Microscopic needle-shaped crystals of herapathite are embedded in a plastic base.
10.opaque rock crystals); figuratively it applies to something that is unintelligible:
不透明的岩石晶体); 它能用于比喻难以理解的事情:
11.On the basis of the transformation of nonintegral folede-chain (NIF) crystals into integral folded-chain(IF) crystals,the growth processes of double lamellae and single layer lamellae is discussed.
12.Protein crystals, large or small, can be stained with Mercury bromphenol blue, Amido black 10B and Coomassie brilliant blue R250 or G250 but salt crystals are not.
13.If you evaporate a little sea water on a porcelain dish; on cooling, crystals of common salt will deposit on the sides of the dish.
如果你将少许海水放到瓷盘中蒸发, 冷却后就会有普通食盐的结晶附着在盘的四周。
14.Crystals existed as orbicular crystal druses which were massed by many prismy crystals.
15.Elasticated black fishnet, encrusted with a galaxy of Olive crystals, between bat-tipped, pewter bars.
16.The conoscopic interference patterns of crystals are calculated for any orientation biaxial crystal, which include information of isochromatic curve and isogyre.
17.The yolk-sphere crystals possess an orthorhombic lattice and the lipovitellin molecular particles in the crystalline body are arrayed in pseudohex-agonal pattern.
18.The massecuite thus obtained is then separated into anhydrous crystals of maltitol and mother liquor by conventional separation methods.
19.During microdermabrasion, fine crystals usually remove the superficial or uppermost layer of the epidermis, known as the stratum corneum.