5.the ballot was held in accordance with trade union rules.
6.It is an obvious truism that people act in accordance with their motives.
7.the penal system fails to punish offenders in accordance with their deserts.
8.He acted in accordance with his beliefs.
9.One's opinion tends to differ in accordance with one's standpoint.
10.Allocation of risk on the pawnage right shall be stipulated by statute in accordance with the real situations.
11.b) they are exclusively for administration in accordance with a specified strength and posology;
12.The phylogenic tree of TFL1 homologs is almost accordance with the relative of those plants.
TFL1 蛋白的系统发育树基本符合物种的亲缘关系。
13.Cancelation charges will apply in accordance with paragraph 4 above.
14.They are clothed in black, with a guimpe, which, in accordance with the express command of Saint-Benoit, mounts to the chin.
15.On contest, the court shall sustain the subpena or similar process or demand to the extent that it is found to be in accordance with law.
16.In This paper discusses the fact that it is a trend accordance with the table tennis law that sportswoman has manlike technology.
17.In accordance to your request, I am sending you sample pages of the dictionary.
根据你的要求, 现寄上词典的样张。
18.She was dismissed in accordance with the company’s usual displinary procedures.
按照公司一般纪律程序, 她被解雇了。
19.The standard of resolving the fact mistake should adopt the theory of "legislative accordance" which applies to both the mistake of one CAbstand and different CAbstand.