8.Bangkok is surrounded by a vast, damp, alluvial plain, crisscrossed by network of klong.
9.Mainly developed are fan - delta, deep lake turbidite and calcirudite deposit, and also alluvial fan deposit in early period.
10.In loessal regions and alluvial valley fills of the western United States, both surface soil and subsoil are commonly friable.
11.Four alluvial deposits distributing along Yuanjiang river and the diamondiferous rocks that supply diamonds to these placer deposits have striking properties of varied sources and multi-phases.
12.After rapid overall swelling , in the late stage occurred alluvial fan-braided river facies sedimentary cycles made of red polyterrigenous molasse deposit s with multi-source supplying.
13.The sedimentary facies in Heshilafu is an alluvial fan - fan delta -lake systetn, and it can be further devided into several parfacies including microfacies.