"Art of balance"--The Professional Blog of slackline,climbing,parkour.
4.Your mysterious handle is all we know of you, but it is your blog we worship on the altar of erotism.
5.One tipster told the tech blog Boing Boing that he was “told by a friend” that slaughterhouses in Iraq sometimes dump blood in canals.
6.Jeg læser nogle bloger hver dag.En af dem er skrevet af en amerikansk kvinde.Hun er gift med en dansk mand.For at lære dansk, hun skriver hendes hvert blog på to sprog, både dansk og engelsk.
7.This blog created by FireDog to share about Rescue related articles or story, like Fire fighting, First Aid, Rescue Skills &equipments, Disaster &Emergency Prepareness.
8.His editors include, from left, Joel Johnson of Gizmodo;Gina Trapani, Lifehacker;Jessica Coen, Gawker;and Lockhart Steele.
Gawker 的编辑们:Nick Denton, foreground, of Gawker Media, is taken aback by the hype about blogs.
9.There are enthusiastic fans in the message on that blog, Utada will not be suffering from "idiopathic thrombocytopenic peliosis", which Utada's response is that it "never heard of hearing!"
10.Its Sports section, for example, has reporters producing top-notch original material ranging from scoopy news items and blogs to long-form analysis pieces.
11.One, the author of a blog post called “The Five Sluttiest Wedding Dresses”, describes it as “the equivalent of the groom wearing a codpiece”.
12.Waringin has been quoted in his blog as saying he would rather share money earmarked for a conventional promotional campaign with people who needed it.