5.Tannase hydrolyses the ester bonds and depside bonds in gallic acid tannins to release gallic acid and glucose.
6.A group of ten international banks is to underwrite and sell the bonds.
7.Interestingly, in spite of its instability, the O3 molecule can be stabilized as an ozonide between the double bonds of a monounsaturated fatty acid such as oleic acid.
8.An essentially disconnected polyhex graph is defined as a benzenoid system or a coronoid system which has fixed bonds and some Kekulé structures.
9.Remco Polman, FMO's senior investment officer, says that HiTo will issue a few mortgage bonds as a test run in the spring.
10.A account summary on new achievement about synthesis and theory of compounds with lone multiple bonds and heavy allenes and cumulenes in ⅣA group is given.
11.Automatic Identification of Tautomeric, Aromatic and Alternating Bonds in Chemical Structures (CISOC-SBPR), Registration Number (China): 0009355.
12.After a specified period of time, the hair is rinsed and a neutraliser is applied.It is the neutralizing solution that reforms the disulfide bonds of the hair and sets the new curls.
13.1. The essential feature of monomer molecules is the ability to form chemical Bonds (see Bonding) with at least two other monomer molecules (polyfunctionality).