1.The understratum, calcareous sandrock and conglomerate rock, generate dissolution of groundwater.
2.The platform foreslope is composed of the dark grey and celadon calcareous mudstone,siltstone,sandstone intercalated with limestone conglo...
3.Rendzina A type of brown earth soil typical of humid to semi-arid grasslands over calcareous rocks. The rendzina is rich in lime and has an upper humus-rich horizon.
4.Not only most metazoan phyla made their debut at the earliest Cambrian, but also the fossil record like calcareous metaphyte flora and acritarch change dramatically nearly at the same time.
5.This paper discussed water liquor acts on micrinite in the calcareous clay at the bottom of saline aquifer and put forward the concept of filter bed of salinity.
6.The different structure carbonate rocks organic carbon content is difference, the overall present that the micrite > the powder crystal calcareous rock > the sparite.
7.SOL 170 is a solvent based impregnator especially formulated to protect marbles, granites and natural stones from water and dirtpenetration, frost damage and to stop calcareous efflorescence.
SOL 170 是一种特别渗透性配方的防水剂,有效于保护大理石、花岗岩、天然石材等。防止水印及水渍呈现于石材表面,并可防止污渍渗入表面、冰霜侵入及防止风化。