5.Calyx 5- or rarely 4-partite, quincuncial, basal glands usually present.
6.The tomatillo is covered with a thin membrane, or calyx, that is a brownish orange color with purple veins.
7.Milkwort intervove with climbing fig, which had fruit shaped like the calyx of a lotus, while the milkwort had swollen tubers.
8.Calyx lobes 4 or 5 or rarely more, usually short, caducous or persistent, apex usually obtuse, rarely connate and then calyptrate.
9.;persistent calyx explanate, ca. 4 mm in diam., shallowly 5-lobed, lobes deltoid, densely pubescent and ciliate;
10.Leaf base cordate; flowers 8–18 mm in diam.; abaxial surface of calyx tomentose and villous; flowers petalous.
11.Leaf blade leathery; pistillode conic to cylindric; drupes indehiscent, enclosed by persistent calyx lobes.
12.Fruit globose or ovoid berries or drupes with a crustose endocarp, apex ± covered by persistent calyx, often longitudinally orange punctate-lineate.
13.Stamens 1 to many (ca. 100), 1- or many seriate, sometimes in epipetalous bundles, or on margin of cupular disk or rim of calyx tube;filaments free, rarely united into a column;
14.Rachis and pedicels lanuginose or tomentose; bracts orbicular-ovate, 5–7 mm, both surfaces densely sericeous; calyx adaxially densely sericeous; leaf base subcordate.
15.The results showed that Echinacea is capitulum, discal flower is dark-violet and liguliform, its calyx is 4, its pedicel has non-glandular hair and main root is cylindrical.
16.4.The results showed that Echinacea is capitulum,discal flower is dark-violet and liguliform,its calyx is 4,its pedicel has non-glandular hair and main root is cylindrical.