3.The probability of packer sticking is increased because of the casing deformation and crustation in casing failure well.
4.inside the casing tasted rank and was gristly, as well as cold at the core.
5.So,technical innovation of casing scratcher is done.Free swivel joint is successfully applied.
6.I saw two men here earlier. Do you think they were casing the joint?
7.This occurs at the weak cannelure, which is a groove allowing the bullet casing to be sealed to the copper jacket.
8.The calculations of the strength,stiffness and steamtight are very importang when high pressure and intermediate pressure casing of 300 MW steam turbine are designed.
9.The turbulator can be used to improve the centralization of the casing strings, to allow the fluid to form spiral flow, as well as to improve the displacement efficiency.