2.epaxial lobe or web In the caudal fin, that part of the caudal fin between the base and dorsal margin, supported by ceratotrichia.
3.hypural notch The crease formed when the caudal fin is bent or flexed.
4.Ovariectomy did not influence the response to CGRP and nore pinephrine in caudal artery.
结论 内源性雌激素可以通过多种途径调节血管反应性,发挥其心血管保护作用。
5.Specifically, a halfmoon betta must have a caudal where both ends are exactly180 degrees apart or more, spreading towards the front.
6.upper postventral margin In the caudal fin, the upper part of the postventral margin of the hypaxial web, from the posterior notch to the subterminal notch.
7.abbreviate heterocercal Tail in which the vertebral axis is prominently flexed upward, only partly invading upper lobe of caudal fin, fin fairly symmetrical externally.
8.hypural bones The fan-shaped series of bones (sometimes fused to one or two plate-like bones) to which the caudal fin rays are attached.
9.Objective. To evaluate the efficacy of caudal epidural injections (CEI) containing steroid versus nonsteroid preparations when treating patients suffering from low back pain (LBP) and sciatica.
10.Labeled motoneurons of palatoglossus muscle were ipsilaterally located in both the rostral half of the nucleus ambiguus and the ventrolateral subdivision of the caudal half of the hypoglossal nucleus.
11.Most fishes have unstriated rays along the anterior part of the dorsal and ventral edges (leading edges) of the caudal fin.