6.Using the method of latex polymerization,poly vinyl acetate was synhesized with PVA as protective colloid,which was crosslinked with formylamine-group containing component.
7.colloid Proteinaceous substance in thyroid follicles, containing sizable quantities of iodine, thyroglobulin, and thyroid hormone.
FSM series shear pump: For solid-liquid or colloid-liquid, can be mixing, shearing, emulsible and homogenizing.
9.Results all the experimental groups of rat had got colloid goiter and the higher concentration of iodine in food,as the lower of height of thyroid cell and the gigger of area of follicle.
10.Based on the laboratory experiments, MMH polymer MMH polysulfonate drilling fluids system is developed through analyzing the properties of positive colloid, polymers and polysulfonate muds.
11.Note the clear vacuoles in the colloid next to the epithelium where the increased activity of the epithelium to produce increased thyroid hormone has led to scalloping out of the colloid.
12.Different shield agents were added to reduce the unpleasant taste of the fish albumen hydrolysis solution, and some colloids added to keep the homogeneousness and stability of the beverages.