IBM Corp.
IBM 公司。
IBM Corp.
IBM 公司。
been abroad before, Corp?.
the esprit de corps of a football team.
The transport corps is ancillary to the infantry.
The medical corps were cited for bravery in combat.
A corps of doctors arrived to inoculate the recruits.
journalistic practices unacceptable to the aboveground press; an aboveground corps of 20,000 priests in Poland.
Docking in a Carrier or Rorqual ship while having multiple corp hangar windows open should no longer throw exceptions.
Travel day and night of a countrywoman not demit is careladen planted the towel gourd with one canopy good the way corp is growing.
【摘要】 一个农妇披星辞劳苦种了一棚长势良好丝瓜。
A rebellion in the officer corps led to chaos in the armed forces. Arevolution is the overthrow of one government and its replacement with another:
下士军官们反叛导致了武装力量混乱。 Revolution 是指推翻一个政府并用另一个政府来替代:
First, the People's Bank of China is transferring funds to China Investment Corp, the fledgeling sovereign wealth fund with a $200bn kitty.
Roger Gauthier, a hydrologist with the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers said even heavy snowfall in January and February may not be enough to replenish the water lost.
Telediffusion de France, Radio Nacional de Espana, Radiodifusao Portuguesa, Deutsche Telekom, Jordan Radio and Television Corp.
, Radiotelevisione Italiana只是全世界逾7000家采用R.V.R.技术公共和私营广播电台之一部分。
In 1922, he negotiated a merger between General Bakelite, Remanol and Condensite to form Bakelite Corp.
The statue of General Sedgwick, cast from cannons captured by the VI Corps which he commanded during the Civil War, has rowel spurs that turn.