3.Overgrown deciduous shrubs can be cut back at this time of year.
4.Deciduous trees shed their leaves in autumn.
5.deciduous plant with large deep green pedate leaves and nodding saucer-shaped green flowers.
6.Conclusion The deciduous lower front fused teeth can influence the succedaneous fixed teeth and secondary dentition.
7.AIM:To evalate the efficacy of iodoform-calcium hydroxide used as an intracanal medication in root canal therapy of deciduous teeth with periapical periodontitis.
8.The silk cotton tree Bombax ceiba' kapok flower is this harbour of common deciduous trees of urban area, originate in the tropical area of Asia , can be up to 30 meters.
Spring of Hong Kong/木棉树 Bombax ceiba`木棉花是本港市区常见的树,原产亚洲热带地区,可高达30米。
9.Formed by subtropical green broadleaves and temperate deciduous broadleaf trees, the mountain is valued highly for observing plant chorology.
10.Results Dentigerous cyst is one of the main causes of embedded teeth,only second to retained deciduous teeth,dental crowding.
11.A deciduous North American tree(Prunus serotina) having drooping, elongate clusters of white flowers and blackish, somewhat poisonous fruits.
12.large deciduous tree native to Panama and from which the country takes its name having densely leafy umbrellalike crown and naked trunk.