7.methods of communication during the war were diverse and inventive.
8.subjects as diverse as architecture, language teaching, and the physical sciences.
9.The word is now used in a sense diverse from the original meaning.
在某种意义说, 此词现在的含义与最初的含义完全不同。
10.One industry is for the lord, diverse develop, radicate Shanghai, face to the world.
11.Graphalloy's diverse mountings and extensive experience proved valuable in developing a solution for this difficult environment.
12.'The negative impacts of overdevelopment of hydropower would destroy the river's diverse aquatic life,' the letter said.
13.Automatic focusing technicology for ob- jects of diverse height is one of the key point of acquisition of CCD image.
对各种不同高度被测物体的自动聚焦是图像采集识别系 统的关键之一。
14.Rattan edge Ginzo by international standards and 925 fineness, style absolutely exquisite, innovative and diverse, unique silver jewelry.
15.Trees of the family Dipterocarpaceae dominate the canopy and emergent layers of the hyper-diverse, aseasonal, humid lowland tropical forests of Southeast Asia.
16.Objective Discussion on the treatment of epistaxis:To Analyze 92 hemorrhinia cases of various cause and diverse age, and to investigate the anatomic characteristic and frequent site of hemorrhinia.
17.My 'prescription' for MICs is evolutionary, diverse and well-connected with each other, the very antithesis of isolationism and cultism.
18.Here in the rainforest, the giant ohia lehua trees and hapuu ferns provide protective canopy to an amazingly diverse collection of plants and animals.
19.The synthsis methods of N-sulfuryl substitude hetercycles by the reaction of alkyne with sulfamide catalyzed by diverse transition mentals were reviewed in this paper.