4.The businessman donated a lot of money to the hospital.
5.He donated to cancer research.
6.A private benefactor donated £20000.
7.She has donated money to establish a pharmaceutical laboratory.
8.the proceeds will be donated to an Aids awareness charity.
9.the government donated 4,000 kg of coffee for distribution among refugees.
10.Art and rugby may seem strange bedfellows, but the local rugby club donated £2000 to help fund an art exhibition.
艺术和橄榄球似乎互不相干,可是当地的橄榄球俱乐部捐赠了2 000英镑资助一项艺术展览。
11.An audiologist from the US donated sound testing equipment and trained DPF staff to use the equipment.
12.{0>(2)Property donated by legator, legatee(s), or heir(s) to public organizations or businesses fully owned by the government;
{0>(2)Property donated by legator, legatee(s), or heir(s) to public organizations or businesses fully owned by the government;
14.Where the property donated is not preservable or transportable or exceeds the actual need, the donee may sell it, and all the income therefrom shall be used for purposes as designed by donation.