1.2.Leave the cell untouch and let the cell completely cool down.
2. 离开及不要碰那电池, 直至它完全冷却.
2.An eave trough used to convey rainwater from the roof to the downspout.
3.a coat that reaches to the knee; shrubbery reaching up to the eaves; a career that reached over several decades.
4.The manual stamping or casting is used to mold eave tile, drip tile, tile with animals, nail head and glassless window.
5.Rain was drumming on the roof, wind fluting in the eaves of the cottage, sea performing glissandi with the beach.
6.The call of lush meadow-grass, wet orchards, warm, insect-haunted ponds, of browsing cattle, of haymaking, and all the farm-buildings clustering round the House of the perfect Eaves?