1.And behavior economics deems that the final goal of people is hedonics.
2.How to resolve this crisis in maco- economics?
3.This is Gwen Outen with the VOA special english economics report.
4.legal training may include the elements of economics and political science.
5.He is studying economics, which subject is very important.
他正在习经, 该科是很重要的。
6.Therefore, it is not comprehensive to treat Economics as a hard science or soft science or nonscience.
7.Some debt-ridden countries in the world have suitcase economics.
8.Backhouse &Jeff Biddle make up " plutonomy history " magazine 2000 the 32nd supplement " applied economics brief history " (Toward A History Of Applied Economics) .
Backhouse &Jeff Biddle合编的《经史》杂志2000年第32卷的增刊《应用经简史》(Toward a History of Applied Economics)。
9.the new economics unit has produced what it reckons to be the approved gospel.
10.The economics, history and political science departments organized an interdisciplinary seminar on Southeast Asia.
经, 历史及三个系共同举办了一个东南亚讲演会。
11.When they start talking about economics, I’m out of my depth.
12.His ideas on economics are well past their sell-by date, in my opinion.
13.The labor relationship in law has countless relations with that in economics and demotics.
14.Innovation is lineal economics fails to envisage the economy with illuminate all the time ascensive mechanism.
15.Synthetic peptide purification. Are isocratic elution and volume overload options to improve process economics?
16.Mercantilism and physiocracy were precursors of the classical economics of Smith and his 19th-century successors.
17.The industry can supply the hardware and software, but the bigger problem is the “wetware”—people, economics and politics.
18.The industry can supply the hardware and software, but the bigger problem is the “wetware”-people, economics and politics.