2.endoscopic biliary drainage can rapidly resolve jaundice.
3.We randomly assigned patients to undergo endoscopic trans ampullary drainage of the pancreatic duct or operative pancreaticojejunostomy.
4.Conclusions: At present, endoscopic sphenoidotomy is the mainstay of treatment for isolated sphenoid sinusitis.
5.To investigate the effects of endoscopic high frequency electrosection and hot biopsy electrocautery on prolapse of gastric mucosa.
6.Objective:To explore the clinical application and significance of endoscopic micro-CO_2 laser partial arytenoidectomy for bilateral median vocal cord paralysis.
7.Conclusion The lacrimal pathway obstruction after external dacryocystorhinotomy can usually be cured by the transnasal endoscopic examination and treatment.
8.Conclusions: Endoscopic retrolabyrinthine approach has an excellent visual angle in dealing with the facial nerve and related micro-vessels in the CPA.
9.In all cases no one primarily recurred.Conclusions:Endoscopic treatment by endothermy heater forcels biopsy is an effective and safe therapetic method for flat colonic adenoma.
10.Conclusion: The best treating method of rhinorrhe in front bases of skull, bases of saddle and clivus blurnenbachii orificium fistulae except malignant tumor is endoscopic repair of fistubus opening.
11.Techniques to resolve the difficult cannulation cases include tapered tip catheter, guide wire, papillotome, and precut endoscopic papillotomy (EPT).
12.Performation of surgical procedures anterior to ethmoid bulla can avoid risks of the other models, therefore, endoscopic frontal sinusotomy in the route anterior to ethmoid bulla is a safe model.