1.We envision the SuperGrid evolving gradually alongside the current grid, strengthening its capacity and reliability.
2.making it difficult to evolve the application.As services are independent from one another they offer a greater degree offlexility andscalabilityfor evolving applications.
3.Evolving process of hub dynamo which used in bicycle is presented. The performance of magnetite viz. ferrimagnetism or NdFeB is analyzed. The prospect of marketing is viewed.
4.Evolving index on events and people from the Gracchi brothers to the assassination of Caesar, including land reform, Jugurthine and Mithridatic wars, Marius, Pompey, Crassus and more.
5.Hillis then reran the experiment but with this important difference: He allowed the sorting test itself to mutate while the evolving sorter tried to solve it.
6.Three viewpoints about the esthetics of Tiffin Spier Bergh's film——brief analysis bout evolving subject in film "Happy Terminal"
7.The character of Charlie the little man, the baggy - trousered bowler - hatted tramp, can be seen evolving behind the surface gagging , the energetic slapstick of the day.