1.Your body can take the time necessary to metabolise fats.
2.Rectification technology is a popular separating technique, which plays a very important role in oik and fats industry.
3.Butterine and oleomargarine, which must be labelled as such, if of good quality, are nutritious, inexpensive fats to be used in place of creamery butter.
4.Elaioplast (lipidoplast; oleoplast) A colorless plastid (leucoplast) storing lipids (fats or oils).
5.Primary hypertension, if merges has the blood sugar or the blood fats unusuality, on clinical calls it “the metabolic hypertension”.
6.The whole building has symmetric façade, the European architectural style is stressed by elements such as arch windows, cantilever flats, contour, deep shadows, bracketarm, gate pediments, etc.
7.Generally resistant to animal and vegetable fats, oils, greases, ozone, heat, and strong oxidizing chemicals. Chlorobutyl has lowest permeability of all the synthetic rubbers.
8.Scientists advocate a reduction in saturated fats in the human diet. Tochampion is to fight for one that is under attack or lacks the strength or ability to act in its own behalf:
9.Sudan stains Any of various stains based on aniline dyes, and used to color fats and waxes, and hence cutinized (e.g. cuticle ) and suberized (e.g.Casparian strip) tissues.See staining.