6.A liquid filters through a strainer,into the receptacle beneath.
7.filters can be used in photography to reduce haze.
8.Water filters through the sandy soil and into the well.
9.The Blue Filters for fine tuning your audio video calibration are now available in the Bungie Store.
10.The wort holding tank receives the first wort from the various filters batchwise.
11.Ends of the tegular filters (10) are cut off crosswise to make the end surfaces respectively form inclined surfaces such that vertical sections of the tegular filters (10) are in a rough trapezoid.
12.He invented the ultramicroscope in 1903, and two types of membrane filters in 1918 and 1922.
13.Elvan filter and Elvan water filter are our unique technology in the world and we adopted DMMFDouble Motor Multi Filters system of which is patented.
14.Finally, in the micropolis corners you can see ring resonators, which are a conventional (non photonic-crystal) way to achieve a resonant cavity for use in channel-drop filters, etcetera.