3.The students went to study the geology of that region.
4.In his lecture on geology, he touched on the subject of climate.
他在关于学的报告中, 也涉及气候问题。
5.Concentrators in geological sciences elect either geology or geography.
6.Filled with zeal for science, he studied catastrophist geology with Adam Sedgwick.
7.Research on the origin and occurrence of gems and jades is one of the hottest topic in geology, gemmology and archaeology.
8.Evidence for continental drift: Marine geology, paleomagnetism, stratigraphic, paleoclimatic and paleontological evidence.
9.Tang Yingjun Institute of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Palaeoanthropology; Academia SinicaLiu Ziqi; Chen Da; Chert Luquan Coal Geology Prospecting Team No. 186; Shaanxi;
10.Chen Hongqi,Huang Runqiu.Stress and flexibility criteria of bending and breaking in a countertendency layered slope.Joural of Engineering Geology, 2004,12(3):243~246.
11.Recently some Brachiopoda, coral, gastropoda, phytolite is identified by Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology China Academy of Sciences.The age belongs to Late Carboniferous epoch.