3.he has managed to come in on the grouter with a borrowed pound.
4.That’s what grouting mosaics is all about-mushing the gooey-ness into all the cracks.
5.Using preact grouting to strengthen and improve strata, the safe excavation in the loose stratum with silty sand was achieved.
6.In allusion to drilling well cofferdam grouting antiseepage in riverside pump house,authors discuss hydrofracture grouting theory in soil layer,its design method and construction steps.
7.Jet grouting with high pressure is of particular advantage to strengthening of the ground in thick alluvion and soft soil vulnerable to seismic damage.
8.The products are widely used in dry mortars like self leveller compounds, tile adhesives, tile grouts and repair mortars.
10.Initiated in China, Claybank split-off grouting is a new technology achieved success in dealing with hidden troubles in dykes.
11.dam-foundation seepage is mainly of grike seepage, and there is little cave like a string of beads in the local area, suggesting that it is necessary to carry out grouting gallery.
12.Uncompacted location and grouting saturation degree in the zone of anchorage bar are the two main parameters for judging rock bolts quality.
13."For tilework, a very thin mortar called grout is used. Pointing is the process of finishing a masonry joint. "