2.The polar region is the habitat of the polar bear.
3.This creature’s natural habitat is the jungle.
4.vast areas of natural habitats have been degraded.
5.In the edge habitat, species were almost perennials which can endure dankness.
6.The habitat of gensing centralize in Public of korea、Korea and Jilin province in China.
7.Dipus sagitta showed a high density and was dominant in desert-type habitats, especially in sand dune.
聚类分析结果显示, 研究区啮齿动物群落可以分成荒漠型群落和绿洲型群落两大类。
8.Habitat loss and fragmentation is the primary cause of population, metapopulation and species extinction worldwide.
9.The aquafarm was the most important waterbird habitat in Hangzhou, and the West Lake and the pond area were also important in maintaining the diversity and density of waterbirds in Hangzhou.
水产是杭州市 水乌最重要的类型,西湖和水荡对于维持杭州市水鸟的数量和多样性也具有重要的作用.
10.They are the most widespread and abundant equid in the world today, although their welfare depends on conservation programs aimed at maintaining their habitat and preventing overhunting.
11.Forests are important habitats for birds and, in temperate forests, small mammals which inhabit the dense understorey.
12.So Huiyuan to stick in this call, Jinggangmycin: "If it can be UN-Habitat, when the soil pumped Xiu Quan.
13.Mosquito fish had large habitat niches, rapid growth rate, ovoviviparity, high reproduction rate and large adaptation reproduction conditions.
14.Habitat and ecology: Growing in thickets, bamboo groves and stone crevices on hill-slopes or near seasides. Flowering & fruiting: Mar.-Sept.
15.The change trend was influenced by several reasons such as the aquatic habitat, the ecological characteristics of fish, the community structure of digenetic trematodes and import of live fish.
16.The results showed that a mixed mating system was possibly the main heterogamy of this species, and its endangerment was caused by over-exploitation and habitat loss.
17.Loss of habitat is to blame, specifically, the lack of the pocket of air between snow and ground called the “subnivean space.” There lemmings winter and give birth to prodigious litters of young.
18.(3) Uncia uncia prefer to inhabit in the rugged habitats with moderate shrubberies, and they also like to leave signs in valley bottoms rather than hillsides.
19.The lowest cell density was found in duodenum.The origin of distributive mode of argyrophil cells in the digestive tract of Takydromus wolteri might be related to its habitat and feeding habit.