5.slim stone tiles had been layered end on with incredible skill.
6.growth ring A layere of material deposited on a scale or bone which reflects the growth of a fish.
7.The mineral inclusions in the layered cumulate series are remarkably different in species and chemistry from those in the discordant dunite-troctolite layered bodies.
8.Shape-set silk floss of a compound-layered structure is made by nonwoven technology mainly with waste silk from filatures and three-dimensionally crimpy fibres.
9.Block copolymers have rich phase behavior,and in the bulk they can microphase-separate to form spheral,cylindrical,bi-continuous or layered structure.
10.The results showed that the wastes of zirconium oxychloride can be made into crystalline layered sodium disilicate with good properties.
11.(3) the scopula is composed of double-layered plasmalemma with many kinetosomes and center-positioned spasmoneme;
(3) the scopula is composed of double-layered plasmalemma with many kinetosomes and center-positioned spasmoneme;
13.Mushroom: Rich, elemental and sensuous, the layered frappé pattern is rendered in colors of clove, sand dollar, vanilla and melon.
14.Chen Hongqi,Huang Runqiu.Stress and flexibility criteria of bending and breaking in a countertendency layered slope.Joural of Engineering Geology, 2004,12(3):243~246.
16.Tape out redeye Use invisible tape to avoid redeye: Foggy tape, layered two or three times over the flashtube area (not the entire flash lens), can reduce redeye in some instances,
17.Photo Gallery: Erosion and Weathering Wind erosion makes these layered sandstone hills swirl in Paria Canyon-Vermilion Cliffs Wilderness Area.