4.to reinforce my macroscopic outlook of our country’s prospect
5.Macroscopic deviations from isotropy occur due to bedding, schistosity and also sometimes fracturing.
6.The macroscopic conformation and microscopic structure of the straticulate dolostone and spatulate dolostone suggest that the dolostones formed in a highenergy environment;
7.Macroscopic algae, commonly referred to as macroalgae or seaweeds, are large plant like structures commonly found in coastal waters worldwide.
8.This is the case of micromagnetics, which is a continuum theory that stands between quantum theories like ab-initio and macroscopic theories.
9.Based on the macroscopic characteristics, microstructure and fabric of the tectonite in the Yingxin fault zone,this paper proves that there are two types of tectonite, i.
10.Risk factors associated with HS bronchopneumonitis were oral–labial lesions, HS in the throat, and macroscopic bronchial lesions seen during bronchoscopy.